Newsletter 3: CHANCE ‘Everybody should have a chance’

This is the third newsletter for the CHANCE “Everyone Deserves a Chance” project. Through this project, we aim to contribute to the better inclusion of students with a migration background in education. Throughout the project, we aim to professionalize the staff supporting students with a migration background at Pev Koley in Denizli, Turkey, and Het Erasmus in Almelo, the Netherlands, through the exchange of knowledge and experiences. By the end of the project, a detailed template for an educational pathway plan for professionals aiming to best support students with a migration background will be created. In 2023, exchanges took place in Almelo (May) and Denizli (November). Bulletins for these meetings can also be found on the website. This third and final newsletter provides information about the last exchange held in Almelo on May 28-29, 2024.

In addition to the regular project members from Het Erasmus and Pev Koley, we were particularly honored to host three guests during this two-day event: Hasan KAZDAĞLI (Director of PEV Foundation), Mehmet ÇİMEN (Pamukkale District Directorate of National Education), and Uğur BULUT (Pamukkale District Governor).

Workshop ‘motivation’

On Tuesday morning, while a tour was arranged for our three new guests, the other approximately twenty project members attended a workshop on ‘motivation’ given by Pauline Jonker. Pauline Jonker specializes in increasing student motivation in secondary education. During the workshop, she provided tips on increasing motivation, especially for ISK (International Transition Class) students. Jonker explained “what motivation really is” and “what we think motivation is.” She then focused on the conditions and foundations of motivation, which are desire, ability, environment, and urgency. Finally, she shared her knowledge and experiences on how to increase student motivation. In the practical part of the workshop, project members practiced these types of conversations in pairs. It was a valuable workshop that provided concrete guidance for daily school applications for both Pev Koley and Het Erasmus members.


Transnational Project Meeting (TPM) 3

After lunch, Thea Kruiskamp-Tijhuis, Thomas Tijhuis, Pınar Kaya, Işın Orpak Çevik, Fulya Uysal, and Ivo van Dongen held the third Transnational Project Meeting (TPM). Ivo van Dongen chaired this meeting, and the project progress was discussed. Reporting and communication in the form of the project website, newsletters, video, and e-brochure were discussed. In addition, concrete agreements  were made regarding the project budget, management, planning, and completion. Finally, mutual intentions for a possible (large-scale) follow-up project were discussed.

Math Lesson in Turkish

Simultaneously with TPM3, other project members attended a math lesson given by Nesrin Ültay (Math Teacher). The aim of this lesson was to make the Dutch project members, most of whom are ISK teachers, realize how difficult it is to follow a lesson in a language they do not understand or know very little about. This was an excellent lesson for all project members, both literally and figuratively, and provided insights and learning experiences that could be included in the project outcomes. After this lesson, the first day ended with dinner.


7 Life Skills

On the second morning, a comprehensive session on “7 Life Skills” was held. This session was led by Janneke Tuin from Het Erasmus and shared the structure and working method of the 7 Life Skills program with all project members. The 7 Life Skills program helps students (especially those with a migration background) discover what they can really do. The program strengthens the skills necessary for daily life, helps students develop self-confidence and self-worth, and teaches them to shape their own futures. The essence of the program is to ensure that students gain more resilience, perseverance, and enjoyment in the work they do. The project members learned interactively how to apply these 7 Life Skills to their students both individually and at the group level:

1 Energy boosters

2 Improving atmosphere and pedagogical climate

3 Strengthening social and emotional skills

4 Mentor program – Get to know your students better and guide them better

5 Managing students with behavioral problems

6 Improving mental health

7 Career guidance

This session provided all project members with knowledge on the skills important for students with a migration background and how to target these skills effectively.

Multiplier Event

The two-day exchange, and thus the entire exchange project, concluded with a “multiplier event.” During this event, the project was reviewed retrospectively, and the most important results were presented. After the opening of the event and explanations about the project (by Thea Kruiskamp-Tijhuis, Ivo van Dongen, Fulya Uysal, and Pınar Kaya), Almelo City Council member Eugene van Mierlo expressed his admiration for the valuable project. Additionally, Herman Nijhuis, Chairman of the Het Erasmus Supervisory Board, stated that he was very impressed with the successful exchange. Prof. Hasan KAZDAĞLI, Director of the PEV Foundation, stated in his presentation that he was very inspired to further improve education for students with a migration background. Following this, Ellen Freriksen, an orthopedagogue at Het Erasmus, gave a lecture on trauma-sensitive teaching. After this lecture, Mehtap Gözükules and Seyit Dereli, who worked as translators throughout the project at Het Erasmus, gave a presentation about the exchange process, experiences, and outcomes. The event ended with a snack and drink reception, followed by the entire project group enjoying a closing dinner.



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